Corona Crisis

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Since: 2022-Jan-02 Updated: 2024-Oct-05

Ed Dowd
Ed Dowd: Catastrophic civilization implications of vaccine DEATHS and DISABILITIES (Sep 26 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: US Government is Coordinating a Depopulation (Oct 3 2024)
Karen Kingston
Karen Kingston: FDA Authorized and Concealed Myocarditis Experiments (Sep 26 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: Authorities Turned Roughly 4 Billion People into "Bioweapon Factories" (Sep 24 2024)
Karen Kingston
Karen Kingston: The Turbo-Cancers Are in the Patents - This Was Pre-Planned (Sep 21 2024)
Dr Kojima
Japan Declares Pharma Execs 'Enemies of the State' for Role in mRNA 'Massacre'
Dr Merritt
Dr Merritt & Lt Mark Bashaw: Struggles with Covid Health Mandates in the Army (Sep 15 2024)
Dr Chris Shoemaker
Dr Chris Shoemaker: Updates on Covid Injection & Contamination (Jul 2024)
In Canada, the injected are the ones hospitalized.
Dr Stephen Bate
Dr Stephen Bate: Unmasking the Numbers - Analysis of Covid Statistics NCI (Aug 9 2024)
Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Lee Merritt: The Twin Scams of 1918 and 2020 (Sep 4 2024), starts @ 10:30
Dr William Makis
Dr William Makis: Gaslighting Death (Sep 4 2024)
Ed Dowd
Ed Dowd: Excess Mortality was due to Injections (Sep 2023)
Rafa Calvin
Researcher Rafa Calvin: Nicotine Destroys NanoTech (Sep 1 2024)
Karen Kingston
Karen Kingston: Crimes Against Humanity (Aug 30 2024)
Dr Stukelberger
Dr Astrid Stükelberger: WHO Whistleblower Confirms Horror (Aug 18 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet (Sep 01 2024)
Dr Rima Laibow & Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Rima Laibow & Dr Lee Merritt: Truth Report (Aug 27 2024)
Dr Lee & Dr Broudy
Dr Young Mi Lee & Dr Daniel Broudy: Millions of Nanoparticles in Covid Injections (Aug 22 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin & Steve Kirsch: Down the Rabbitt Hole part 3 (Aug 22 2024), starts @ 4:46
Dr William Makis
Dr William Makis Responds to Dr Yeadon on Ivermectin (Aug 23 2024)
Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Lee Merritt: All Roads Lead to Phrygia (Aug 23 2024)
RFK Jr Announcement (Aug 23 2024), starts @ 13:35
RFK Jr is suspending his candidacy and endorsing Trump.
Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Lee Merritt: "Monkey Pox" is Here (Aug 21 2024), starts @ 8:40
Monkeypox PsyOps Exposed
Doctors Get Together To Show Light Of The Monkey Pox Depopulation Psyops (Aug 20 2024)
Dr Jessica Rose
Dr Jessica Rose: NCI Interview - Critical Update (May 30 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: The New "Monkeypox" SCAMdemic, Anti-Trust & Criminal Conspiracy (Aug 20 2024)
NTI "Monkeypox" paper - predictive programming
Dr Broudy
Scientific Paper Showing Nanobots in Pfizer & Moderna Injectables (Jul 18 2024)
"self-assembly Nano-Particles in Covid Injections", Young Mi Lee, Daniel Broudy IJVTPR
Dr Mike Yeadon
Dr Mike Yeadon: Talks About His Experience with Pharma and the Covid Kill-Shots (Aug 18 2024)
Dr Pierre Kory
Dr Pierre Kory: Covid Vaccines Killed More Americans than the Vietnam 'War' (Aug 14 2024)
Dr William Makis
Dr William Makis: The Unspoken Crisis Post-Covid Vaccination (Aug 12 2024)
Dr Merritt & John B Wells
Dr Lee Merritt & John B Wells: His Life and Worldview (Aug 11 2024)
Dr Robert Young
Dr Robert Young: The Great Abominable Secret (Aug 9 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: the Vatican is Behind the "Great Culling" (Jul 31 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: Covid Revealed (Aug 3 2024)
Satanic Olympics 2024
Maria Zeee: Humanity Stands Against the Satanists (Jul 31 2024)
Dr Northrup
Dr Christiane Northrup: End of Times is Here (Jul 28 2024)
Dr Judy Mikovits
Dr Judy Mikovits: Covid19 Was Premeditated Murder - Vaccines Are Human Extermination Programs (Jul 29 2024)
BlueTruth Documentary
BlueTruth Documentary
Dr Pedro Chávez
Dr Pedro Chávez: Research on MAC Address Phenomenon in Covid19 Injected and non-Injected PCR swabbed (Jul 26 2024)
Maria Zeee & Harry Fisher
Maria Zeee & Harry Fisher: Paramedic Reveals Covid Injection CARNAGE (Jul 21 2024)
Mik Andersen
Mik Andersen: The MAC Phenomenon and the Intracorporal Network of Nanocommunications: A Review (Jul 2023)
Mik Andersen: Intracorporal Nanonetwork PDF (Dec 10 2021)
Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Lee Merritt: Biden AI Wizard of Oz (Jul 25 2024)
Dr Lee Merritt & Dr Larry Palevsky
Dr Lee Merritt & Dr Larry Palevsky: CounterIntelligence Covid Shots (Mar 09 2023)
Dr Ana Mihalcea
Dr Ana Mihalcea: Demons of the mRNA Vax (Jul 11 2024)
5 Doctors
5 Doctors Discuss What They Are Doing to Protect Themselves from the BioWeapon Shots (Jul 8 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: World War 3 - Global Catastrophe (Jul 10 2024)
Dr Carrie Madej
Dr Carrie Madej: World War 3 In Humanity (Jul 7 2024)
Dr Naomi Wolf
Dr Naomi Wolf: The Globalist Blueprint (Jun 2024)
Dr Mihalcea & Attn Todd Callender
Dr Ana Mihalcea & Attn Todd Callender: Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit (Jul 5 2024)
Attn Callender: "This is the polymerisation of the species. The injected people are technically not human."
Dr Mihalcea: "Pfizer's Enbrel nano-flowers"
Prof Murakami
Prof Murakami: Gov't Tyranny with Self-Amplifying mRNA BioWeapon (Jun 3 2024)
Clifford Carnicom
Clifford Carnicom: Global Bioengineering: A History of Blood Clotting (Jul 3 2024)
Ricardo Delgado
Ricardo Delgado: The Vaccine Exposed - Graphene - Neural Interface (Jan 2024)
Dr Stephanie Seneff & Dr William Makis
Dr Stephanie Seneff & Dr William Makis: IgG4 and Turbo Cancers After mRNA Injections (Mar 2024)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: US Govt Coordinating Depopulation (Jun 25 2024)
Del Bigtree
Del Bigtree: The Art of War (Jun 15 2024)
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson on Australian Media (Jun 27 2024)
Maria Zeee & Tucker Carlson
Maria Zeee: Tucker Carlson Obliterates Aussie MSM (Jun 27 2024)
Dr William Makis
Dr William Makis: A Tsunami of Damning Covid-19 Evidence is Coming (Jun 28 2024)
Hulscher, "A Systematic Review of Autopsy findings in deaths after covid-19 vaccination" (Jun 21 2024)
Dr Lee Merritt
Dr Lee Merritt: Time to Name the Enemy (June 29 2024)
Sasha Latypova
Sasha Latypova: Why the Covid-19 Jabs Have Not Been Suspended? 2/2 (Jan 12 2024)
Sasha Latypova
Sasha Latypova: Why the Covid-19 Jabs Have Not Been Suspended? 1/2 (Jan 12 2024)
Sasha Latypova
Sasha Latypova: Why Aren't They Grilled in Congress? (Jun 8 2024)
Dr James Thorpe
Dr James Thorpe: mRNA Depopulation Agenda, 585 Million Injured or Killed (May 18 2024)
Dr Murakami
Dr Murakami Reveals Intentional Release of Replicon Vaccines (Jun 23 2024)
Kansas sues Pfizer
Kansas Sues Pfizer (Jun 19 2024)
Dr Martin
Dr David Martin: mRNA Injection Is NOT a Vaccine (June 18 2024), starts @ 05:14
Prof Boyle: Covid-19 Nano-Particle Injects are BioWeapons
EU Vx Illegal
EU Has Officially Declared the Covid "Vaccines" Were Illegally Approved (Jun 17 2024)
The Graphene Ritual
The Graphene Ritual (Jun 2 2024)
Dr Rima Laibow
Dr Rima Laibow: UN "Pact for the Future": One-World Government Nightmare! (Jun 15 2024)
Stefano Scoglio
Stefano Scoglio: No Pandemic - mRNA Injections Highly Toxic (Jun 17 2024)
Karen Kingston:
Karen Kingston: Covid-19 is War on Humanity (Jun 2 2024)
Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli: "Transhumanism, the Endgame" (Dec 28 2023)
Dr Arne Burckhardt
Pathologist Dr Arne Burckhardt: Final Interview - Reveals the Dangers of the mRNA Jabs (Dec 23 2023)
Dr Denis Rancourt
Dr Denis Rancourt: The mRNA Injections Caused 17 Million Deaths (Dec 16 2023)
Dr Mike Yeadon
Dr Mike Yeadon: Crime is Not Health (Dec 15 2023)
California Nurse
California Nurse Exposes Deadly C19 Hospital Protocols and Flood of Vaccine Injuries (Dec 13 2023)
Dr Luc Montagnier
Dr Luc Montagnier: C19 Injections Induce Prions and Neuro-Degenerative Diseases (Dec 10 2023)
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: The C19 Injection Is A BioWarfare Enabling Technology. (Dec 11 2023)
Texas vs Pfizer
Texas vs Pfizer Lawsuit PDF (Dec 2023)
Ed Dowd
Ed Dowd: Numbers Don't Lie - Excess Deaths (Dec 8 2023)
Dr Poormina Wagh
Dr Poormina Wagh: There's NO Virus. The Jab is a Toxic Cocktail (Sep 9 2022)
Steve Kirsch
Steve Kirsch: UK Testimony (Dec 6 2023)
NanoCapsules Payload
NanoCapsules Payload (Dec 5 2023), starts @ 0:42
_Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: UK Testimony - Covid & Injections Are Biological Weapons (Dec 5 2023)
Prof Chossudovsky
Prof Chossudovsky: The Virus Never Existed (Nov 27 2023)
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Peter McCullough: Heart & DNA Damage in Every Covid Injected Person (Nov 2023)
"Turbo-cancers sky-rocketing after C19 injections."
Prof Dolores Cahill
Prof Dolores Cahill: We're in the Mass Killing Phase of Agenda 21 (Nov 28 2023)
"Agenda 21 is the destruction of society from within."
Sasha Latypova
Sasha Latypova: Military Industrial Complex Was Behind the False Pandemic (Nov 23 2023)
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Peter McCullough: These "Vaccines" Cause Very Real Side Effects (Dec 1 2023)
(1) Cardiovascular, (2) Neurologic, (3) Blood Clots, (4) Immuno-suppression
Dr David Martin
Dr David Martin: C19 Was a Crime Meant to Hurt and Kill Humanity (Oct 31 2023)
Bro Alexis Bugnolo
Bro Alexis Bugnolo: 2 Billion People Will Die Within the Next 12 Months (Jan 18 2024)
_Dr Rima Laibow
Dr Rima Laibow: Pandemic & BioWeapon Vaxx Planned for "the Great Culling" (2009)
Dr Tenpenny
Dr Sherri Tenpenny: Millions Are Going To Die - 2.1 Billion Seriously Injured (Jan 14 2023)
Prof Cahill
Dr Dolores Cahill: All The Injected Will Die Within 3-5 Years (Oct 31 2022)

What's New

  • Dr Denis Rancourt: COVID-19 Vaccine-associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere (Sep 14 2024) [4416]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Worldwide Depopulation is Part of the Billionaire's "Great Reset" (Sep 13 2024) [4414]
  • Covid vaccines may have contributed to rise in excess deaths, researchers suggest [4259]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking (Apr 28 2024) [4246]
  • Colin Todhunter: Covid, a Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. Ramping up an Ierialist Strategy (Apr 14 2024) [4123]
  • "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign", Nathaniel Mead (Feb 2024) [4051]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: 937% Increase in Heart Failure Among Vaccinated US Military Personnel (Mar 14 2024) [3054]
  • "The nanomafia: nanotechnology's global network of organized crime", David Flores (Jun 28 2016) [3068]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter (Feb 17 2024) [3065]
  • Dr William Makis: Canadian Gov Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022, 17% Increase in Mortality (Dec 28 2023) [2935]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: There was Never a "New Virus". There was Never a "Pandemic" (Nov 27 2023) [2891]
  • Dr Makis: It’s Time to Push Back on Lies and Help Those Suffering from Spikeopathy (Nov 26 2023) [2893]
  • Dr Mercola: Are Covid Jab Deaths Being Covered Up? (Nov 26 2023) [2894]
  • Dr Pascal Sacré: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society (Nov 27 2023) [2895]
  • "Nanotechnology-based mRNA vaccines", Shuying Chen, (Nature, Aug 17 2023) [2973]
  • "Role of Nanotechnology behind the success of mRNA vaccines for Covid-19", Hurana, (NanoToday, Jun 2021) [2974]
  • Sally Beck: Pilot Warns of Airline Industry Disaster Due to C19 "Vaccines" (Nov 16 2023) [2952]
  • Dr William Makis: Turbo Cancer of the Appendix After Pfizer C19 mRNA "Vaccine". (Nov 16 2023) [2951]
  • Michael Snyder: List of 30 'Elites' That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation (Oct 5 2018) [2949]
  • William Engdahl: Why did Gates and the Pentagon Release "Gene Edited" (GMO) Mosquitoes in Florida Keys? (Nov 18 2023) [2950]
  • Dr William Makis: Three Children (Ages 12, 13, 14) Died in Spain from Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA Vacines (FG7898, FG9428). Parents Are Going After Spanish Ministers of Health and Officials (Nov 2 2023) [2907]
  • Peter Koenig: Look up! Wake up, People! You Are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed" (Oct 31 2023) [2900]
  • Pfizer Confidential Report - Adverse Events of the Killer "Vaccine" (Apr 20 2021) [2851]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid Killer Vaccine. People are Dying All Over the World. It's a Criminal Undertaking (Oct 11 2023) [2850]
  • Dr Joseph Mercola: The Goal is for You to Own Nothing (Oct 07 2023) [2833]
  • FL - Indian River GOP 10th County to Pass 'Ban the Jab' Resolution! (Sep 7 2023) [2694]
  • California Grand Jury Petition - Accuses Fauci, Gates of Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity [2672]
  • Mojmir Babacek: People's Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies (Jul 8 2023) [2402]
  • Peter Koenig: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future (Sep 16 2023) [2389]
  • Dr Mike Yeadon: This is a global coup d'etat and intentional mass murder (Sep 10 2023) [2468]
  • NZ PM Chris Hipkins says there was no compulsory vaccination (Sep 4 2023) [2460]
  • Dr Peter Breggin: Nanotechnology, Vaccines, and Control - Blurring Lines (Sep 1 2023) [2439]
  • Request to Idaho Law Enforcement for a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into the Crimes of Covid-19 [2401]
  • Dr William Makis: 180 Canadian Doctors Have Died Suddenly Since the Rollout of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in December 2020 (Aug 14 2023) [2389]
  • Dr William Makis: (Jabbed) Teenagers Dying Suddenly in Australia, UK, Ireland (Aug 16 2023) [2388]
  • Israel, 85% Population C19 Injected, Cardiac Arrests Quadruple in 2022 (Jul 21 2023) [2371]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's a Criminal Undertaking (Jul 17 2023) [2299]
  • Dr William Makis: Musicians and Singers Dying Suddenly in May and June 2023 (Jun 30 2023) [2257]
  • Ben Bartee: Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Developed for New Vaccines, EU Activates Vaccine Passport Regime (Jun 28 2023) [2239]
  • Dr Mercola: WHO's Health Token - BioEngineered Food, Lab-grown Meat, Insects (Jun 28 2023) [2238]
  • Jordan Schachtel: How the Flu "Disappeared" During the Covid Era (Jun 24 2023) [2236]
  • 'Fit and Active' Mum-of-Two Left Wheelchair-Bound After Suspected Covid Vaccine Injury (Jun 27 2023) [2234]
  • Dean Henderson: The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Eight Families (May 6 2023) [2223]
  • Dean Henderson: The Federal Reserve Cartel - Freemasons and the House of Rothschild (Jun 24 2023) [2221]
  • Dean Henderson: The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Roundtable and the Illuminati (Jun 14 2023) [2222]
  • Chris Hedges: The Democratic Party's Crucifixion of Matt Taibi. No Journalist Safe Anymore? (May 28 2023) [2206]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Escalating Persecution of Truth Tellers (Jun 7 2023) [2205]
  • Dr McCullough: The Incidence of Myocarditis/Pericarditis and New Onset Cardiac Symptoms Following Smallpox and Influenza Vaccination (Jun 12 2023) [2182]
  • Dr Rima Laibow: Vaccinate to Vacate the Planet? (Jun 11 2023) [2181]
  • Dr Mercola: How the Censorship Industry Works, and How We Can Stop It (Jun 11 2023) [2180]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid-19 Endgame: Global Governance, Digital Tyranny, and the Depopulation Agenda (Jun 10 2023) [2168]
  • Frank Chung: British cardiologist calls for mRNA vaccines to be suspended due to heart risks (Jun 7 2023) [2152]
  • Dr Mercola: The Great Covid Death Coverup (Jun 7 2023) [2148]
  • Peter Koenig: Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed" (May 20 2023) [2147]
  • Dr Peter McCullough: Understand Spike Shedding Before It's Too Late (June 3 2023) [2132]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Vax Coverup Continues [2124]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. (May 26 2023) [2111]
  • Mark Steele: 5G Directed Energy Radiation Emissions + NanoMetal C19 Injections (May 26 2023) [2110]
  • Mike Adams: The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech “Vaccines” (May 27 2023) [2105]
  • Archbishop Viganò: The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda, “SARS-CoV-2 Virus is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu” (May 23 2027) [2104]
  • Melbourne's The Alfred Hospital: "No Jab, No Heart" Policy (May 8 2023) [2024]
  • Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Nov 2021) [2004]
  • Dr Emanuel Garcia: The Corona Agenda's "Abiding Ironies": Freedom, Slavery and Singularity (May 1 2023) [1991]
  • Dr Mercola: 'One Health' - The Global Takeover of Everything. The Pandemic Treaty (May 1 2023) [1990]
  • Julian Rose: "Net Zero" and the Transhuman Agenda: War Against Nature and Humanity (May 1 2023) [1989]
  • Jonathan Turley: BC News Censors Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr (May 1 2023) [1988]
  • Dr Makis: Turbo Cancer Leukemia: Children From Ages 11 to 21 Are Dying Within Hours or Days of Cancer Diagnosis (May 2 2023) [1987]
  • Dr Makis: Blood Clots, Pulmonary Embolism in Young Women (Apr 30 2023) [1976]
  • Dr Makis: Turbo Cancer Leukemia, Due to C19 Injection, Until Proven Otherwise (May 2 2023) [1975]
  • Dr Mercola: Midazolam Murders, Was It Really A Good Death? Or Murder? (May 1 2023) [1963]
  • Llewellyn H Rockwell Jr: Why Tucker Carlson Had To Be Purged (May 1 2023) [1962]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: Will there ever be accountability for Mass Murder by "Covid vaccine"? (Apr 30 2023) [1961]
  • Robert J. Burrowes: We Are Being Smashed Medically by the Elite's 'Great Reset'. How Do We Fight Back Effectively? (Apr 29 2023) [1959]
  • Dr Makis: Bodybuilders Collapsing and Dying Suddenly. More Suspicious High Level Athlete Deaths (Apr 29 2023) [1954]
  • Dr Makis: Jabbed Military Cadets Are Dying Suddenly (Apr 25 2023) [1930]
  • Dr Makis: Boxers Are Collapsing and Dying Suddenly. Vax Injury Until Proven Otherwise (Apr 27 2023) [1928]
  • Dr Mercola: Doctors Were Bribed for Covid Vaccination Coercion, Including Babies (Apr 27 2023) [1927]
  • "Torture": Sydney mum's painful vaccine injury wait drags on (Apr 24 2023) [1908]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Pfizer's "Secret" Report. Beyond Manslaughter. Evidence Overwhelming (Apr 22 2023) [1888]
  • Dr Pascal Sacré: The Lord of the "Vaccines" (Schwab/Gates/Tedros). Trojan Horses of Death in Your Body (Apr 22 2023) [1887]
  • Dr David Bell: Doubled Pregnancy Loss Rate, Raised Foetal Abnormality Rate and Concentration of Lipid Nanoparticles in Ovaries (Apr 22 2023) [1886]
  • Peter Koenig: Beware of the WHO's Tyranny Never Heard Before in Human History (Apr 23 2023) [1885]
  • Dr Emanuel Garcia: The Corona Wars have Engulfed the Globe - The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence (Apr 23 2023) [1884]
  • Dr Makis: Brain Aneurysms as a Serious and Common Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury in Young People (Apr 23 2023) [1883]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. It’s A Criminal Undertaking (Apr 20 2023) [1864]
  • Mark Taliano: Covid Crimes When Will the Perpetrators be Prosecuted? (Apr 21 2023) [1863]
  • Dr Rancourt: "Probable causal association between Australia's new regime of high all-cause mortality and its Covid-19 vaccine rollout" (Dec 22 2022) [1861]
  • Gérard Delépine: Covid-19 Injections Lead to New Infections and Mortality (Apr 15 2023) [1840]
  • Colin Todhunter: Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order (Apr 15 2023) [1839]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: Steve Kirsch is an American Hero (Apr 10 2023) [1817]
  • Thierry Meyssan: Imperialist Justice is Crumbling. The system is beginning to fade out. (Jan 17 2023) [1816]
  • Dr William Makis: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein in the Brain Causes Inflammation That Can Lead to Potentially Fatal Seizures [1815]
  • Dr Dalgleish: Cancers Are Rapidly Developing Post-Covid Vaccination (Mar 27 2023) [1812]
  • Dr Garcia: A Most Perfect Geocide (Apr 5 2023) [1765]
  • "SARS-Like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence", Ralph Baric (Mar 15 2016) [1746]
  • David Skripac: Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Marching Towards Extinction? (Apr 1 2023) [1740]
  • Dr Garcia: The Hallmark of the Greatest Bio-Psycho-Social Op in History (Apr 1 2023) [1739]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Pres Biden Ordered the Attack Against Nord Stream (Mar 26 2023) [1738]
  • Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, and Pulmonary Embolism after Bivalent Booster (Mar 29 2023) [1727]
  • Henry David Thoreau: A Lecture In Civil Disobedience In The Face Of Tyranny (Mar 23 2023) [1708]
  • 10 Myths Told by Covid Experts - Now Debunked (Feb 28 2023) [1628]
  • Steve Kirsch: Game Over: Medicare Data Shows the COVID Vaccines Increase Your Risk of Dying (Feb 27 2023) [1608]
  • Gold Coast Hospital employee wakes up ‘paralysed’ after Pfizer vaccine (Feb 21 2023) [1590]
  • Exclusive: 37-Year-Old Injured by Pfizer Vaccine Had to ‘Learn to Walk and Speak Again’ (Feb 21 2023) [1589]
  • ‘We were all forced’: Mum of ‘healthy’ 21-year-old who died after Moderna, blames vaccine mandates [1578]
  • Ben Bartee: Mind Control - WEF Technocrats Plot to Track Human Thoughts with Implants (Feb 13 2023) [1568]
  • Dr William Makis: Alberta's Pandemic of the Triple-Vaccinated, Excess Deaths Exceed 10,000 (Feb 10 2023) [1547]
  • Colin Todhunter: What Was COVID Really About? Global Debt Crisis, Imperialistic Strategy. (Feb 10 2023) [1546]
  • Prof Denis Rancourt: Age-stratified COVID-19 Vaccine-dose Fatality Rate. Israel and Australia (Feb 10 2023) [1543]
  • Ireland sees 42% more deaths in past two months compared to pre-COVID levels - LifeSiteNews (Feb 2 2023) [1527]
  • Ndeupen, "The mRNA-LNP platform's lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory" (Dec 19 2021) [1512]
  • Dr Peter McCullough: Autopsies Show Covid-19 Injections Cause Cardiac Sudden Deaths (Jan 20 2023) [1511]
  • Dr Pascal Sacré: The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity (Nov 5 2020) [1502]
  • Dr Griesz-Brisson: Covid-19 Masks Are A Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse (Oct 6 2020) [1501]
  • Robert Burrowes: Historical Analysis of the Global Elite (Jan 28 2023) [1498]
  • Dr Mercola: Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination. WEF Takes Over UN (Jan 25 2023) [1472]
  • Emanuel Pastreich: End Governance by Secrecy. How to Take Down the Billionaires (Jan 19 2023) [1469]
  • Steve Kirsch: Strokes Are Caused by the Covid Vaccines (Jan 19 2023) [1468]
  • Dr Mercola: Every Facet of US Government Is In The Censorship Business (Jan 17 2023): FBI, CIA, NSA, HHS, NIAID, DHS, DoJ, WH, CDC, FDA, OoSG, USTD [1434]
  • Gavin de Becker: Data Reveal Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Around the World (Jan 11 2023) [1413]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Health Plot Against the People of the World (Jan 12 2023) [1409]
  • Snowden: Governments Will Use The Coronavirus To Seize More Power (Nov 4 2020) [1401]
  • Huizhong Wu: Beijing Human Rights Activist Immobilised by Covid-19 App (Dec 20 2022) [1398]
  • Police Seize On Covid-19 Tech To Expand Global Surveillance (Dec 21 2022) [1397]
  • Rachel Marsden: Covid-related tech was exploited for mass surveillance (Jan 9 2023) [1396]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Covid “vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide (Jan 8 2023) [1394]
  • Ethan Huff: Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID “Vaccines” – What Will the Government’s Excuse be? [1392]
  • Peter Koenig: The WEF And WHO - Are They Running A Death Cult? (Jan 10 2023) [1391]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Hippocratic Oath is Now Illegal in California [1390]
  • Dr Gérard Delépine: Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming (Jan 8 2023) [1482]
  • A 'Cover-up of Evidence of Mass Murder': The CDC Appears to be Removing VAERS Records (Jan 9 2023) [1481]
  • Pfizer Has a Shockingly Long History of Engaging in Illegal Activities and Humn Experimentation (Jan 5 2023) [1480]
  • Dr Paul Alexander: mRNA Gene Injection: Murder Charges Against Pfizer, Moderna, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID (Jan 8 2023) [1479]
  • Dr Masanori Fukushima: C19 mRNA Injects Scientifically Misconceived (Jan 4 2023) [1469]
  • Dr Mercola: COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains. Shocking Decline in US Life Expectancy (Jan 3 2023) [1436]
  • PfizerGate: Tragic Truth Behind COVID Vaccines in the U.K.: 47,379 Excess Deaths in 8 Months Due to Vaccination (Dec 26 2022) [1435]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Evidence Is Conclusive: Covid Vaccination Was Mass Murder (Dec 29 2022) [1434]
  • Peter Koenig: Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being “Suicided in Warp Speed” (Dec 26 2022) [1433]
  • Autopsy-based Histopathological Characterization of Myocarditis After Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination (Nov 27 2022) [1428]
  • Dr Kerryn Phelp doesn’t know why regulator silenced doctors on vaccine injuries (Dec 21 2022) [1362]
  • Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals Pfizer Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’ (Dec 20 2022) [1361]
  • Archbishop Vigano: The COVID Pandemic Farce, a Trial Balloon for the New World Order (Nov 22 2022) [1338]
  • Australian Cardiologist Call to Halt mRNA C19 Vaccines, Citing Troubling Patterns (Dec 15 2022) [1335]
  • Kennedy Hall: Medical Clinic Treating People Injured by COVID Shot Opens in Italy (Nov 28 2022) [1325]
  • Dr. Angus Dalgleish: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots (Dec 11 2022) [1324]
  • Paul A Taylor: New Study Confirms mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Associated with More Serious Harms Than Originally Claimed [1323]
  • Dr David Martin: Health Authorities Guilty of Turning 4 Billion People into "BioWeapons Factories" (Dec 9 2022) [1322]
  • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Death of Western Civilization (Dec 5 2022) [1306]
  • Australian Doctor Finds Chips, ‘Self-assembling’ Structures Forming in Pfizer Vaccine Contents (Dec 7 2022) [1305]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Covid “Killer Vaccine”. People Are Dying All Over the World. (Dec 11 2022) [1299]
  • Patrick Wood: Biden Has Handed America Over to the BioDefense Cartel (Dec 5 2022) [1298]
  • Vaccinated People Are Majority of Covid-19 Deaths - Liberty Counsel (Dec 1 2022) [1278]
  • Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could be Linked to COVID Vaccines (Nov 23 2022) [1261]
  • How are Australia’s COVID authorities going to explain away a 63% drop in births? (Nov 16 2022) [1255]
  • William Engdahl: The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset (Oct 31 2022) [1251]
  • Dr Julie Ponesse & Susan Dunham: The Corona Crisis has “Broken our Relationships and Crushed our Souls”, “Courageous Voices have Emerged to Speak to the Hysteria of our Time” (Nov 11 2022) [1252]
  • Gatti & Montanari: New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nano-contamination (Jan 23 2017) [1221]
  • Laurent Mucchielli: Behind the French controversy over the medical treatment of Covid-19: The role of the drug industry [1219]
  • Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics (Nov 1 2022) [1213]
  • Dr Verkerk: The Narrative Around the Safety of COVID Shots Is Cracking (Nov 3 2022) [1212]
  • mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds (Oct 27 2022) [1192]
  • Scientists, Physicians, Parents, Speak About C19 Injection Damage (in Spanish) (Oct 19 2022) [1166]
  • Compilation: Peer Reviewed Medical Papers of Covid Vaccine Injuries (1000+ articles) [1117]
  • What is the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccines"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity, Dr David A. Hughes [1103]
  • mRNA Injections Are Respawning HIV/AIDS Around the Globe, While Numerous AIDS Researchers are Suddenly and Mysteriously Dying (Feb 28 2022) [1089]
  • Christine Massey: The Identity of the Virus: Health/Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification (Jan 6 2022) [1079]
  • Dr Garcia: How to Open a Mind: How Can “We Wake People Up” to the Dangers of the Covid Jab (Sep 13 2022) [1067]
  • Dr Blaylock: The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? (Sep 10 2022) [1060]
  • Guy Crittenden: That Covid Mask Is Giving You Lung Cancer (Oct 23 2020) [1059]
  • Sasha Latypova: Leaked Moderna Files - RFK Jr Podcast (Aug 4 2022) [1055]
  • Prof Anthony Hall: The COVID-19 Power Grab as “Organized Crime”. A Multi-faceted Deception [1053]
  • ‘Metal-Like Objects’ Found in 94 Percent of Group Who Had Symptoms After Taking mRNA Vaccines: Study (Sep 6 2022) [1052]
  • Dr Margulis, Dr Wang: COVID-19 Vaccines Didn’t Work, so CDC Changed the Definition of Vaccines (Sep 1 2022) [1045]
  • Dr Garcia: COVID onto the World Stage”: Medical Coercion, The Quintessence of Tyranny (Sep 5 2022) [1046]
  • Dr Mercola: CDC Backtracks on “COVID Guidance” as Damning Studies Mount. Covid Shots are Causing Depopulation (Aug 26 2022) [1029]
  • Mark Taliano: Censorship, Big Tech, and Psychological Warfare (Aug 27 2022) [1028]
  • Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas (Aug 28 2022) [1027]
  • German Scientists: Unusual Toxic Components Found in Covid Vaccines, "Without Exception" (Aug 29 2022) [1026]
  • Archbishop Viganò: The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda, SARS-CoV-2 is Nothing But a Seasonal Flu (Aug 29 2022) [1025]
  • Prof Chossudovsky: The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity (Aug 29 2022) [1024]
  • WEF Announce Recruitment of 'Information Warriors' to Control the Narrative on Social Media (Aug 17 2022) [1011]
  • Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19! DNC Globalists Created Covid! (Aug 6 2022) [994]
  • Briefing by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Head of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces (Aug 4 2022) [980]
  • Dr Reiner Füllmich: How The Pandemic Is Used To Implement Worldwide Tyranny [899]
  • Dr Naomi Wolf: on the Pfizer "Confidential Report" - Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide (May 31 2022) [870]
  • W.H.O. Names of the Perpetrators, per Country (May 22 2022) [859]
  • Open Letter to All Citizens of the World - World Doctors Alliance
  • Dr Yeadon: All COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers Need to be “Immediately Indicted for Fraud” (May 26 2022) [843]
  • 22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must! (Jan 4 2022) [842]
  • Meet all 3,800 graduates of Klaus Schwab’s globalist WEF education programs by name, TheRioTimes (May 10 2022) [833]
  • Josh Mitteldorf: How Many People Have Been Killed by the Covid Vaccine? (May 23 2022) [820]
  • William Engdahl: The WHO “Stealth Coup” to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma (May 22 2022) [814]
  • Margaret Anna Alice: Global Tyranny - The WHO "One Health" Directive (May 13 2022)
  • Prof Chossudovsky: Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. (May 22 2022) [813]
  • Pfizer Documents @ ICAN [768]
  • David Skripac: Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? [765]
  • "The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need To Know", The Corbett Report (Apr 27 2022) [748]
  • Dr. Russell L. Blaylock: The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth?
  • Sara Logan: Honoring Integrity. Be Brave. We All Have Roles & Purpose (Apr 26 2022) [747]
  • Vaxxed Pilot Goes Into Cardiac Arrest In Cockpit: Freedom Flyers Expose Massive Airline Cover-Up (Apr 18 2022) [722]
  • Prof Darrell Hamamoto: On Persecution and Inquisition at UC Davis (Apr 12 2022) [685]
  • Dr. Reiner Füllmich – Phase 2: Actual Trial & Enforcement of Judgement (Apr 11 2022) [682]
  • David Knight: Shanghai 26 Million Kidnapped (Apr 11 2022) [681]
  • Dr. Andrew Bostom Testifying Before The Ri House Committee On Health Services On Masking, Covid (Apr 6 2022) [678]
  • The Viral Delusion (Part 1) - The Tragic Pseudo-Science of SARS-CoV-2 (Mar 25 2022) [642]
  • Dr Mallone: Uncovering the Corona Narrative (Mar 28 2022) [620]
  • Corona Investigative Committee: Session 97: Open Secrets (Mar 25 2022) [614]
  • Dr Mercola: Sodium azide poison found in COVID-19 antigen test kits. (Mar 9 2022)

  • mRNA Injections are NOT Vaccines:

    • Dr Zandre Botha Reveal Self-Assembly Nano Particles [1109]
    • Findings In The Covid Vaccine By Dr. Martin Monteverde, Dr. Anabela Femia, Dr. Lissandro Lafferreire (Feb 14 2022) [1113]
    • Dr Ardis: Cobra Snake Venom in the Vaccines
    • Dr Zelenko: What They Are Planning For You (Apr 9 2022) [686]
    • Australian Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections! (Apr 3 2022) [646]
    • AUS Senator Roberts Exposes Nanotech in Vaccines and Declares this is Genocide (Apr 2 2022) [641]
    • Dr. Richard Fleming – COVID-19 & Vaccines are a Bioweapon, Crimes Against Humanity & NOVAVAX (Apr 1 2022) [638]
    • Dr Jane Ruby: Warmed Up Pfizer Vials Explode With Self Assembling Circuitry (Mar 26 2022) [622]
    • NZ Scientist Dr. Robin Wakeling Examines Pfizer Jab Under The Microscope (Mar 24 2022) [601]
    • Dr Sevillano Discovers New Strange "Life Forms" in Pfizer Vaccine Samples (Mar 9 2022)
    • NEW study reveals "Pfizer mRNA Injection Changes the Human DNA" (Feb 25 2022)
    • UKcitizen2021 report from UK lawyers/lab, toxic Graphene oxide in the vials. (Feb 11 2022)
    • Dr Robert Verkerk (UK) Summarizes EbMCsquared CiC Study Preliminary Findings (Feb 14 2022)
  • High Risks:

    • Dr McCullough: Explosive Increase in Cardiac Symptoms After Second Injection (Jan 9 2023) [1389]
    • Gérard Delépine: Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming (Jan 8 2023) [1482]
    • Global Covid Summit Pediatric Declaration (Jun 06 2022) [1443]
    • Australian Cardiologist Call to Halt mRNA C19 Vaccines, Citing Troubling Patterns (Dec 15 2022) [1335]
    • American Airlines Captain Snow Speaks Out About His Gene Shot Injury (May 16 2022) [863]
    • "SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination in Vitro", Hui Jiang, and Ya-Fang Mei, Viruses, (Oct 13 2021) [800]
    • Dr Zelenko: Understanding The Diabolical Agenda & Child Sacrifice (May 5 2022) [769]
    • David Skripac: Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? [765]
    • FOIA Docs Reveal Pfizer Shot Caused Avalanche of Miscarriages, Stillborn Babies [764]
    • Child Sacrifice? Moderna Says 6-Month Babies Should Get Disproportionately High ¼ Of Adult mRNA Amt (May 2 2022) [759]
    • Robert Kennedy Jr.: Pfizer’s Own Data Shows This Is The Deadliest Vaccine Ever! (Apr 11 2022) [683]
    • UK 44% Death Increase In Kids After Vax; Pfizer Overwhelmed By Vaccine Injuries! (Apr 6 2022) [684]
    • Dr Ardis: Fauci's Remdesivir Killed 50% Patients in Africa; Fauci is Guilty of Genocide (Apr 6 2022) [661]
    • Graphene Found in Local Anesthetics Used in Dentistry (Apr 6 2022) [656]
    • Attorney Todd Callender: Vaccinated People Received Aids / Agenda 21 (Apr 5 2022) [651]
    • Dr Tenpenny: By the end of 2022, everyone who received the 2nd mRNA shot will have Vaccine-Induced AIDS (Apr 1 2022) [640]
    • VAERS report updated (Apr 1 2022)
    • Dr Jessica Rose: What is Killing the Millennials? (Mar 30 2022) [628]
    • Dr Ryan Cole: Immediate Blood Coagulation / Massive Blood Clots In Vaxxed (Mar 23 2022) [603]
    • Dr Mercola: Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers (Mar 22 2022) [615]
    • Edward Dowd: CDC Data Analysis Reveals 84% Increase in Millennial Deaths Due To CDC's COVID Vaccine Jab Genocide (March 15 2022) [801]
    • Dr. Mark Hobart: Australian Health Authorities on Notice – Withdraw COVID-19 Vaccines Immediately (Mar 14 2022) [623]
    • Russia Tells the US: "We Have Found Your Biological Weapons" (Mar 9 2022)
    • Dr Michael McDowell: SARS-CoV-2 is a BioWeapon (Feb 5th 2022)
    • "The Vaccine Death Report", Dr David John Sorensen & Dr Vladimir Zelenko (Sep 2021)
    • The Die-Off Is Here - Life Insurance Payouts Skyrocket 258% as Post-Vaccine Deaths Rapidly Accelerate
    • EMA report: EudraVigilance European Database, drug adverse events
    • "What's Your Poison?" article by Craig Paardekooper, examines the lethality of the Pfizer lots.
    • "1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 'vaccines' are Lethal"
    • Dr Zelenko: 90% of those who took the shot will die within the next 2 years (Aug 12 2021) [644]
    • Pfizer COVID-19 Injection - List of 1,291 Adverse Events (through 28 Feb 2021, approved 30 Apr 2021)
  • Against Censorship:

  • Control:

    • Israel-linked CIA-funded Palantir goes public, making espionage mainstream (Oct 2 2020) [1400]
    • Report to OAIC May-Nov 2020 CovidSafe App - Covid App Data And Intelligence Agencies Within Australian IGIS Jurisdiction (Nov 16 2020) [1399]
    • Huizhong Wu: Beijing Human Rights Activist Immobilised by Covid-19 App (Dec 20 2022) [1398]
    • Police Seize On Covid-19 Tech To Expand Global Surveillance (Dec 21 2022) [1397]
    • Rachel Marsden: Covid-related tech was exploited for mass surveillance (Jan 9 2023) [1396]
    • Dr Paul Craig Roberts: The Hippocratic Oath is Now Illegal in California [1390]
    • Dr Sherri Tenpenny Warns About What Is To Come (Apr 10 2022) [674]
    • Dr Zelenko: What They Are Planning For You (Apr 9 2022) [686]
    • Maria Zeee Uncensored: Scientists Confirm NanoTech & the Great Reset (Apr 8 2022) [671]
    • CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency (Apr 6 2022) [663]
    • Dr Jane Ruby: "We might have 10 million dead" (Mar 24 2022)
    • Dr Michael Yeadon: Premeditated Murder (Jan 8th 2022)
    • Bro Alexis Bugnolo: Are You Ready For What Will Occur Over The Next 6-12 Months? (Nov 14 2021)
    • James Corbett: The "Great Reset", Crypto-Eugenics, and Convergence of Biological and Digital Technologies (Jul 13 2021) [676]
  • Against Corrupt Politicians:

    • Prof Chossudovsky: Bill Gates' “Moneypox”, Simulated Mar 2021, Goes Live in May 2022 (May 25 2022) [831]
    • Session 101: "Constructive Interference", Corona Investigative Committee (Apr 22 2022) starts @ 29:30 [736]
    • Attorney Todd Callender & Dr Peter Chambers: The War on Humanity, 5G, Mind Control, and Exploring Marburg (Apr 19 2022) [734]
    • Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Exposing The Global "Great Reset" & The Biden Corruption In Ukraine (Apr 17 2022) [735]
    • Session 100: "Last Stop: Justice" Corona Investigative Committee (Apr 15 2022) [698]
    • Senator Rennick Exposes AUS Health Minister on Foreign Interference (Apr 7 2022) [662]
    • Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – “God Save Us!!!” – World Governments Are Murdering People (Apr 6 2022) [658]
    • Dr. Phillip Altman: The Fraud of the TGA & Corruption of the Australian Health Authorities (Apr 5 2022) [562]
    • AUS Senator Malcolm Roberts: We have been misled. (Mar 30 2022) [627]
    • Sasa Borojevic: The Truth about Russia & Ukraine (Istina o Rusiji i Ukrajini) (Mar 31 2022) [633]
    • Catherine Austin Fitts with Karel van Wolferen: About Ukraine, NATO, EU, NWO, and WEF (Mar 30 2022) [632]
    • Dr. Francis Boyle: Nazi/US Bioweapons in Ukraine Against Russia. (Mar 19 2022) [613]
    • Mike Adams: "Mass Genocide Of The Human Race" (Mar 16 2022)
    • Archbishop Viganò: Important Message To Canadian Truckers (Feb 19th 2022) [531]
  • Legal:

    • Ohio Grand Jury Petition: Accuses Fauci, Gates of Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, Terrorism [2664]
    • Dr Naomi Wolf: on the Pfizer "Confidential Report" - Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide (May 31 2022) [870]
    • Government of Norway indicted for crimes against humanity (Mar 24 2021) [855, 856]
    • Attorney Thomas Renz: Accountability is Coming (Apr 19 2022) [732]
    • Dr. Reiner Füllmich – Phase 2: Actual Trial & Enforcement of Judgement (Apr 11 2022) [682]
    • Friar Alexis Bugnolo: Arrest Them! (Mar 21 2022)
    • VAIDS: The Perfect Genocide (Apr 4 2022) [669]
    • Australian Senator Exposes Nanotech in Vaccines and Declares this is Genocide (Apr 2 2022) [641]
    • This Is The Most Evil Genocidal Conspiracy In History -- Dr. Vliet And Todd Callender (Apr 3 2022) [645]
    • Attorney Todd Callender - The Vaccinated No Longer Human - 2001 Plan To Change Humanity Forever (Feb 7th 2022) [636]
    • Pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt Addresses Bundestag Committee for Health/Vor dem Bundestag-Ausschuss (Mar 31 2022) [635]
    • Justice Centre in court over McMaster University removing students refusing Covid shot (Mar 25 2022) [631]
    • Attorney Julian Gillespie (AUS): COVID Under Question (Mar 24 2022) [616]
    • Dr Phillip Altman (AUS): COVID Under Question (Mar 24 2022) [617]
    • Australian Authorities Must Answer Over Failures in COVID-19 Policy, Doctors and Scientists Write Letter (Mar 18 2022) [634]
    • Australian Doctors Letter to TGA: Withdraw the Experimental Gene-Therapy Injections, They Are Not Safe (Mar 8 2022) [636]
    • Patented Humans
    • Dr Zelenko: "Crimes Against Humanity" ... RE: Pfizer Doc Release (Mar 9, 2022)
    • Prof Francis Boyle, on "Frankenshots conspiracy to commit murder" (Feb 11 2022)
    • Mass Murder: Dr Reiner Füllmich summarises the interview with Dr Michael Yeadon. (Jan 10th 2022)
    • Dr Carrie Madej - Downloadable Resources
    • "Covid-19: Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in International Criminal Court complaint", The Rio Times (Dec 19 2021) [338]
    • Trespass Warning to issue if a government agent comes to your property without a warrant.
  • Documentaries, Conferences, and Interviews:

    • ZeeeMedia, Maria Zeee interviews Key Researchers and MDs
    • "Forbidden speeches", Brussels (EU) Jan 23 2022
    • Senator Ron Johnson (US) "COVID-19 A Second Opinion" (Jan 24 2022)
    • "The Fall of the Cabal", series of 10 videos
    • "Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal", series of 26 videos
    • Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Creators Of "The Fall Of The Cabal" Speak With Nicholas Veniamin (Feb 11th 2022)
    • "Plandemic Documentary": Dr Judy Mikovits exposes Fauci's Plague of Corruption.
    • "Plandemic 2: Indoctornation": Research by Dr David Martin, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic.
    • "Viral Delusion": Exposing the false pandemics throughout history.
    • "ShadowGate": Exposing the "puppet masters" from the shadow government.
    • "Nano-Man": Deep Nasal Swab Tech, Radiation, Injection Tech, Borg Assimilation.
    • "Monopoly": an overview of the great reset.
    • Dr David Martin Exposes the Entire Plandemic, a Criminal Conspiracy to Harm, Maim and Kill Humans
  • Grand Jury Presentations (by Dr Reiner Füllmich)


All opinions expressed here are solely the opinions of their respective authors, quoted in the References section. The opinions were selected based upon information considered reliable, and relevant.

The editor does not warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon as such.