Single Drop of the Pfizer Inject (Dec 26 2022) |
Situação Internacional das 💉 Covid (Nov 29 2022) |
N-AcetylCystein Reduces and Oxidizes Graphene Oxide (Sep 15 2022) |
We Have Shown What Is In the Shots. (Oct 24 2022) |
Injecting Graphene Endangers The Human Species (Oct 7 2022) |
Sanofi Pasteur Tetravac Contaminated with Graphene (June 3 2022) |
Graphene Found in Calendar Vaccines (May 14 2022) |
Human 2.0 |
Dr Carrie Madej: A Wake-Up Call to the World (Aug 24th 2020) |
Humans 2.0 & Image of the Beast |
Humans 2.0 and the Image of the Beast (May 8 2020) |
Dr Campra |
C19 Injections, NanoNetworks, 5G (Apr 20 2022) |
Dr James Giordano |
Assassination Program using NanoTech (Mar 19 2023) |
Dr García Gómez |
Graphene: They Knew Everything (Oct 20 2022) |
Dr Mark Jerdeaux |
LNPs Are CytoToxic. Without Aspiration, Injection Goes IntraVascular. (Mar 12 2023) |
Karen Kingston |
People Were Injected with NanoTechnology for the Purpose of TransHumanism (May 13 2023) |
Dr Latypova |
Covid Was A US Military Operation & The Shots Are BioWeapons (May 4 2023) |
Military CounterMeasures (Feb 14 2023) |
Evidence of Intent to Harm (Feb 10 2023) |
Evidence of War Crimes on Humanity (Feb 10 2023) |
BioWeapon Collusion (Jan 29 2023) |
NWO To Come Out of the US, Driven by Private Central Banks (Jan 17 2023) |
DoD Vaxx Coverup with FDA Theater (Dec 28 2022) |
C19 Cover-Up Straight To DoD (Jan 08 2023) |
"This technology is intentionally weaponized" |
Intent to Harm - Conspiracy to Mass Murder (Dec 10 2022) |
Nanotech In C19 Vials, Fraud, Bad Manufacturing, DoD Contracts (Nov 4 2022) |
Dr Carrie Madej |
"It's Not a Vaccine, It's a BioWeapon" (Dec 9 2022) |
The AntiHuman Vax EndGame (Dec 10 2022) |
DARPA N3 Transhuman Magnetofection - Depopulation (Dec 3 2022) |
These Are Not "Vaccines": It's a Crime Against Humanity (Oct 22 2022) |
The Damage Is Done (Mar 22 2022) |
Dr Ana Mihalcea |
Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity (Jul 5 2023) |
Dr Lee Merritt |
A Crime Scene - Bioweapons, Nanotech, and the Cabal (May 12 2023) |
Foreign Compounds |
Foreign Compounds Found in Vax (Oct 6 2022) |
Dr Nagase |
Scandemic Laid Bare (Dec 10 2022) |
The mRNA Injection Poisoned the Entire Human Genome (Nov 26 2022) |
The Principle of Freedom (Nov 23 2022) |
The Injection Damages Your Genes: Generates Cancers and Damages Future Generations (Aug 12 2022) |
The Human Genome Has Been Poisoned - 5 Billion People Covid-Injected (Jun 10 2022) |
COVID Vax Lacks 'Elements of Life' (Apr 20 2022) |
MAC Nano |
Vaccinated People and MAC Addresses (Apr 24 2023) |
The Mac Phenomenon & Intra-Corporeal Network Of Nano-Coms ! (May 10 2022) |
Dr David Nixon |
Nanotech Meat Investigation (Apr 20 2023) |
C19 Injects, Hydrogel, Nanobots, Microchips (Nov 19 2022) |
Pfizer Robotic Arms Assembling Inside the "Vax" (Oct 25 2022) |
New Discovery of NanoTech (Oct 7 2022) |
AUS Sen Roberts |
Injections Are Genocide: NanoTech (Apr 24 2023) |
Nanotech in Vaccines. This is Genocide (Apr 2 2022) |
Matt Taylor |
NanoTech Found in Dental Anesthetics And Dental Drugs (May 6 2023) |
NanoTech Reassembles When 4G Is Turned On (Dec 22 2022) |
NanoTech in C19 Jabs, PCR, Masks (Dec 11 2022) |
NanoWeapons In Covid Vax (Oct 12 2022) |
Dr. Robin Wakeling (NZ) |
Pfizer Jab Under The Microscope (Mar 24 2022) |
Dr Shelton & Sue Grey |
NanoTech & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections (Mar 21 2022) |
Dr Mark Trozzi |
Roundtable Discussion with Leading Expert Embalmers (Apr 15 2023) |
Toxic Metals in Covid Shots (Oct 13 2022) |
Dr Robert Young |
Breaking - Got Them On Case Law (Ap 16 2023) |
"Viruses Don't Exist", NanoTech In People Is A Weapon (Aug 10 2022)__ |
Nano Graphene in Vaccine & Blood Findings (Mar 20 2022) |
Maria Zeee |
Good or Evil ... You Have to Pick a Side (Jan 28 2023) |
Preparing for 2023 (Dec 22 2022) |
If We Stand Down, Evil Will Rule The World (Dec 9 2022) |
AUS Law to Force Inject! (Nov 16 2022) |
CSIRO Biolab Doing Gain-of-Function Research (Oct 12 2022) |
ZEROTIME (Oct 12 2022) |
AU Lockdown Tyranny Plan ... a Model for Global Takeover (Aug 19 2022) |
Australian Lockdown, a Model for Global Takeover (Aug 19 2022) |
Why The Government Cannot Be Trusted (Aug 17 2022) |
ZEROTIME - Bringing Truth Back Into the Media (Aug 10 2022) |
Scientists Confirm Nanotech & Great Reset (Apr 8 2022) |
AUS Scientists: Nanotech & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections! (Apr 3 2022) |
Harari, a Global Healthcare System, Revelation 18:23, 2 Thess Chapter 2 (Jun 28 2022) |
Dr Liliana Zelada |
Graphene in HepB Vx |
Hepatitis B "Vax" Microscope Analysis - Full of Graphene Oxide Ribbons (May 7 2023) |
NanoTech in Foods |
NanoTechn In Over 2,000 Food Items (Mar 26 2023) |
mRNA Tech in Foods (Apr 5 2023) |
Graphene in Water |
Graphene in Rainwater, Surgical Masks, PCR Swabs, and C19 Jabs (Nov 4 2022) |