Your Immune System

  • Another doctor exposes injections destroying the Immune system: [233]

    • The first vaccine, as it goes into your body, has a small amount of sealing, and a lot of ingredients that are very catastrophic to your cellular system. What it does to your immune system (bone marrow, thymus gland, spleen, and all other systems associated with your immune system), it decreases the ability to produce white blood cells by 50%.

    • Your ability to produce another generation of cells is 8 weeks. So, 8 weeks later, they hit it again while it is down. They decrease the sealing in the 2nd shot, and increase the harmful ingredients. This attacks your ability to make white blood cells by an additional 25%. So your body now has the ability to make white blood cells at 25%. So you just wiped out 75% of your “military”, and the ability to make that “military”.

    • Then they set in the 1st “booster”. It has 81 strands of foreign bacteria that your cells have never come across; you don’t have the anti-bodies to fight it; you only have 25% of white blood cells. So it’s a loosing battle. Then you start getting chronic inflammations that go to the areas where you have predisposition: respiratory, tumours, cancers, endometriosis, skin conditions. The sympathetic nervous system gets triggered when you get inflammations with low response.

    • Then you get the 2nd “booster”. It has 8 strands of HIV. It completely shuts off your ability to make white cells. That disease is called “HIV”. Now you get people with no immune system, no ability to make an immune system, 81 strands of foreign bacteria and 8 strands of HIV, along with all the other harmful ingredients.

    • During this process 20-30% of the population is going to die.

    • They have 3 more “boosters” that are coming out. Once your immune system can’t make white cells any more, you become dependent on the “boosters” to survive, just like someone is dependent on insulin.

    • Big Pharma is looking for people that, either die off, to "protect our population", and then those who don’t die off will become re-occurring customers for life, so they (Big Pharma) can maintain income, and collect the money they put in to make the vaccines, in the first place.

    • Hope that was helpful. Listen to this properly. Take the time to do your own critical thinking. Give it 2 to 3 years.

    • Every single animal that participated in the study for any of these “vaccines”, had a 100% death rate.

    • Take a moment, look around you, and weigh it out. Let nature take its course and see what happens.

  • Dr Jessica Rose, immunologist, says that the COVID mRNA injections are destroying the immune system. This is extremely bad news. There is an immune-deficiency syndrome resulting from the COVID injections. T-cell (killer cells) populations are being depleted. The ever-presence of the cytotoxic (spike) protein. From VAERS data, cancers are coming out of remission. It never ever happened before with other vaccines, not on this scale. Another point of concern is the re-emergence of latent viral infections, like Herpes (Shingles), anything with “-itis” (such as Myocarditis), the numbers are off the charts (in the context of the past 30 years, in VAERS). We have well over 100,000 immunological adverse event reports, and this is just the US domestic dataset, and does not account for the under-reporting factor. Also we have seen the inability to repair double-stranded DNA breaks. If this manifests in the T-cell and B-cell populations, this is very, very, serious. [78]

  • The following link points to an article that collects 860 scientific articles showing how COVID Injections Affect Your Natural Immunity (Jan 6th 2022) [340]

  • Prof Konstantin Pavlidis: [368]

    • The viral DNA becomes a part of the DNA's host immune cells.
    • No mRNA "vaccine" could be accurate, because they trick the immune system into reacting as if there is a real virus attack.
    • This triggers monocytes in the attempt to access the immune memory cells.
    • These actions appear as viral symptoms, for example: chronic fatigue, muscular contractions, or mental health disorders ranging from depression to suicidal tendencies.
    • All of these are, in fact, side effects of the vaccine's influence.
  • Dr Sherri Tenpenny: [368] They have been trying to build an mRNA vaccine since SARS 2002, and in the studies all the ferrets (mice, rabbits) ended up with a paradoxical immune response in which the antibody levels that were very high, actually accelerated the infection, made it much worse, and allowed the pieces of the virus to go inside of the cell and be incorporated into the DNA of the recipient of that vaccine, by a process called transduction. That transduction irreversibly puts that snip of virus into your DNA and transforms your cells.