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Dr McCullough & Steve Kirsch Dr McCullough & Steve Kirsch: Spike Protein Toxicity (Apr 7 2023)

The Spike Protein

  • The mRNA injection programs the recipient’s body to produce the spike protein, which is cytotoxic. The adenovirus vector, or the NLP nanoparticle, enters the circulatory system, settles somewhere in the body (heart, brain, kidneys, etc), enters the endothelial cells to produce the spike protein, and, on exit, the immune system attacks it, killing the host cell and the pathogen, and causes thrombosis. Negative effect of hematopoiesis in endothelium has been reported, presented in the form of anemia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytopenia. [62, 63, 64]

  • mRNA injections cannot prevent a person from acquiring or transmitting the COVID virus. [7]

    • Dr Ryan Cole explains this at a hearing with US Senator Ron Johnson entitled "COVID-19: Second Opinion", when asked about the risks of the Omicron variant: (Jan 24th 2022) [376]
      • Omicron is not in the family tree; it has enough mutations; it doesn't branch out of the other variants; it's backbone looks like a pre-Wuhan virus, from a genetic point of view.
      • It is behaving like a common cold. It doesn't bind in the lungs like the previous variants did. It doesn't cause the degree of clotting that the scary earlier variants did.
      • If you had COVID and you're COVID-recovered, you tend to get less disease with Omicon, symptom-immunologically;
      • However we are finding that those who have gotten the shots, are getting Omicron; the vaccines are negatively effective; meaning, they're getting Omicron at an enhanced higher rate.
      • Now, there's a reason for this: and this is basic immunology. If you get a shot in your arm, you don't have a tendency to ... everybody here is about antibodies, but there is a special kind in your tears, your nose, your mouth, called secretory immunoglobin A (IgA) ... if you had a natural infection, you have high levels of secretory IgA; in the response from the vaccine, you don't get this physiologically.
      • Actually the vaccinated carry a high volume of virus, because they don't have the secretory IgA.
      • So this false construct from our federal agencies that "this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a patho-physiological lie.
      • The vaccinated are carrying high volumes in their tears, their nose, their mouths, of virus. Because the vaccine does not neutralise in that location of the body where the virus comes in.
      • And this is very important: This is why mandates are absolutely mute, irrelevant, out the window, and need to go away worldwide, like most of the world has done already.
      • This is the "funny uncle". This is not SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19. This is "COVID-22 meh".
      • Essentially it is more of a common cold, like the other ones that circulated many decades and years, that we've known in human body. That's the reason many of us didn't get very sick. We had those common colds. And a good T-cell immunity, is saying "I've had a lot of Corona common colds. My body can fight this off". You're probably asymptomatic, because, as you traveled the world, you probably had some of those.
      • This is the "funny uncle" that doesn't belong; a blessing to humanity.
      • The frail, the fragile, the co-morbid die of common colds every year. No matter what common cold it may be.
      • So we still need to be cognisant of these things.
      • Do some of the previous treatments against this work? Absolutely.
      • Is your risk of death far less? Absolutely.
      • Is your risk of hospitalisation far less? Absolutely.
      • Has South Africa opened up? After talking to my colleagues, they said "Absolutely. What a blessing. We're done."
      • We need to do the same.
  • In fact, the highly “vaccinated” countries (UK, Israel, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland) are still reporting increased number of COVID infections, and vaccine-related side-effect complications. [118]

  • The mRNA injections contain Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG), a substance known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. [9]

Dr Palevsky: The Spike Causes Disease

  • Dr Larry Palevsky: “This is not a vaccine. A vaccine is supposed to protect us against a bacterial or virus infection. There is nothing in any of these shots that is designed to protect us against a virus infection. The authorities say it; the patents describe it. Everyone who is involved in the making of these injections with their intention it was never made to protect us against a viral infection. As soon as we start to realise that that is not what this is, we realise that everything after that is a complete and utter lie. It is not a vaccine. It cannot stop a COVID infection. Therefore, it cannot stop the transmission. When we look at the literature of 2020 we see that people were getting illnesses of blood disorders, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), lung disease, clotting disease, strokes, hypertension, hypotension, loss of taste, loss of smell, neurological issues, comatose, this was not a viral illness. This is the clinical presentation of the poisoning of the blood. All of the literature shows that the spike protein of this so-called “virus” is responsible for causing all of these symptoms: The brain problems, the neurological problems, heart disease, clotting factors, loss of oxygen, loss of taste, loss of smell, hypertension, hypotension. This spike protein was responsible for causing the disease that we saw. This spike protein is not a naturally occurring thing. It is a man-made weapon. It is not a virus. It is attached to a virus and to who-knows-what-else that started the ball rolling with people getting sick. It was never an influenza-like disease, it was never a flu-like illness. It was a straight up poisoning of the blood. (Apr 24th, 2021) [8]

Dr Bridle: The Spike is a Pathogenic Protein

  • Dr Byram Bridle, leading viral immunologist and vaccinologist, member of Canadian COVID Care Alliance, on COVID-19 vaccines: [185]
  • The spike protein is a toxin. It is a pathogenic protein. Damages the cardio-vascular system.
  • Questions about the long-term safety of these vaccines. It accumulates in the ovaries. It will render young people infertile.
  • The mRNA vaccine technologies are spread out through the whole body. As little as 25% remains in the shoulder.
  • Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG) is one of the components of the vaccine, and people develop anaphylactic shock to it.
  • The Lipid Nano-Particles (LNPs) are originally designed to disperse throughout the body. They are gene therapy vectors and also carry drug cargo, specially into the brain to treat Parkinson’s disease, Alzeimer’s disease, and brain cancers.
  • PEG is designed to help that spread throughout the body. PEG helps bypass the immunological system that picks up the LNPs and take it to the lymph nodes. PEG might be dampening the immuno effects that we want.
  • AstraZeneca vaccine rollout was suspended in Canada because it was deemed to be too dangerous for adult Canadians, due to the risk of potentially severe blood clots.
  • It is based on a virus vector. It is a virus that carries the genetic code for the spike protein. That virus is called “adenovirus”, a weakened cold-causing virus.
  • Colleagues found that the Spike protein is bio-active. It can do things that cause harm.
  • 83 colleagues at University of Guelph are harassing Dr Bridle with attacks based on hear-say, not on science. They created fake sites and fake accounts to discredit him.
  • A lot of people have cross-protective immunity is when they have been exposed to other corona viruses. They have developed antibodies to some common proteins with the SARS-COV-2.
  • Other people have naturally acquired immunity. This occurs when a person is infected with SARS-COV-2 and clears it. The natural immunity is robust, and targets multiple components, not just one protein. It makes it very hard for novel variants to circumvent, so it is very protective.
  • The length of protection from COVID vaccines is only 4 ½ to 6 months. This is why they are aggressively rolling out the third dose (US, Israel, Canada). This is very poor performance. Our child vaccines were given once, and never required boosters for the rest of our lives.
  • From every aspect, the robustness of the response, the breath of the response, and the duration of the response, natural immunity beats the vaccine-induced immunity on all accounts.
  • These vaccines are more dangerous if you have acquired natural immunity. The antibodies will kill off your own cells in other part of your body where the NLPs settle and produce the spike protein. There is zero net benefit of receiving the vaccine, and at enhanced risk of potential side-effects of the vaccine.
  • We need to monitor the status of immunity of every person, before proposing to inject a vaccine.
  • Heart inflammation is linked to these vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca). In Canada this information is added to the vaccines, that myocarditis and pericarditis are potential side effects.
  • The side-effects of these vaccines have been dramatically under-reported.
  • We are over-estimating the COVID virus, and creating fear, and under-estimating the problem associated with the vaccines.
  • The dangers for children of COVID are so low. (There’s no need to vaccinate them)
  • A study from California shows that in young males 12-15 years of age, they have a six-fold chance of developing heart issues with vaccination.
  • The spike protein can cause potential issues in high concentration. Additionally, the spike protein causes an auto-immune response, wherever it settles.
  • The NLPs themselves can cause problems when fusing with our cells. They cause local inflammation. Inflammation causes bystanding damage. You don’t want that in your brain, eyes, testes or ovaries.

Dr Cole: The Spike is the Toxin

  • Dr Ryan Cole, MD: [285]

    • What about the “spike protein”? We’re giving a gene sequence into the bodies of human beings. It goes into the deltoid, we’re told it goes into the cell, and gets transcribed there.

    • Well, guess what: it doesn’t. Don’t ask the journalists, ask the scientists.

    • So the spike doesn’t stay in your deltoid, it circulates in your blood and lands in multiple organs in the body.

    • And you know what happens? That spike protein without the body of the virus present, we did studies in lab animals, in lab animal, just injecting the spike with no body, the spike induces the same disease that COVID-19 induced; the same lung disease, the same vascular disease, the same heart disease, the same brain disease.

    • The “spike” is the toxin! So, again, why are we injecting something into the human body that is the toxin? It is the toxin. It causes the disease.

    • This isn’t a vaccine!

    • There are two images, on the left hand side we see a cell with nice smooth lines; on the right hand side this is what the spike protein, just the spike alone, from the vaccine, is doing to the mitochondria of the cells, that’s the engine of your cells, that’s what gives the energy, power of your cells.

    • Spike inflammation

    • Compare the left: smooth, nice. Put together. Compare the right: blown apart, fragmented. That’s from the vaccine; not from virus; from the vaccine.

    • Another image, the human body, you can see the plethora of sites where we have ACE2 receptors. [286]

    • ACE2 receptors in the human body

    • Now think about it. They tell us: “the spike stays in your deltoid”; it doesn’t. It circulates. A Harvard study in 13 nurses showed it circulates for, at least, two weeks. A lot of people lack something called mRNAse that breaks down the mRNA, so it make be circulating for even longer.

    • The spike is the toxin: (picture below) damage to the lung, [287] (right-hand side, purple and blue) inflammation, spike binding to ACE2 receptors, inflammatory response, immune system attacking your own body.

    • spike lung inflammation

    • Disease from the spike, from your own clot shot, investigational vaccine. They keep lying to the American public by calling it a “vaccine”. They keep taking the word “investigational” off. They call it an “Emergency Authorisation”. They keep not calling it what it is: “investigational”, an experiment on humanity.

    • The spike is the toxin. It crosses the blood-brain barrier.[288, 289, 290] I’d like my brain cells to be where they are, and not been blown apart. Right?

    • So, why in the world do we put a toxin into the human body that’s going to disrupt the human vessels in the brain and allow the spike in there to cause inflammation? The brain fog you hear from the COVID patients, you’ll hear about it from the post-vaccinated damaged individuals as well.

    • But they tell you that no one has been injured from the shots. It’s a lie. And this is science.

    • The spike protein also attacks the heart and causes myocarditis, pericarditis. That’s inflammation; that doesn’t belong there. Once you have heart damage, the heart does not heal itself. Once a heart cell is damaged, it doesn’t replace itself with another heart cell; it replaces itself with a scar.

    • So you tell me you want to give a 5-yr-old, a 12-yr-old, an 18-yr-old, a shot? We see about 200x increase of myocarditis in our society right now. That’s a good idea: let’s give a kid a toxin to ruin his heart for life. Stop! And think about what you’re doing! Insanity! You need to stop the insanity immediately!

    • This is over. Game over. This is no longer good science. This is a poisonous attack on our population. And it needs to stop now!

    • Kidneys. They are important. Blood goes around. Got to breathe, got to make pee. You don’t do one of those two things, you die. Do you want to damage your kidney with a clot shot? Not a good idea either.

    • Liver: you need your liver if you want to detoxify anything in your life. Same thing: damage to the liver, inflammation, doesn’t belong there.

    • Testes: important for the next generation, right? Gets blue clots, inflammation. Same thing in the ovaries. Here’s the problem: essentially absent from the literature. What are they hiding from us? Japanese bio-distribution study; took some effort to find it by a doctor from Canada He was attacked for telling the truth. Lipid Nano-particle accumulates in the ovaries. Long term meaning? Decrease of fertility by 16% (in the rats); buried in Pfizer documents. What’s it doing to humanity? We don’t know, because we don’t have long-term safety data, yet.

    • That’s the tragedy and the prime in all of this. They are pushing it; it’s an experiment; it’s an “emergency authorised”; it’s not approved. Humanity is the Phase 3 trial.

    • COVID is a clotting disease, as some of my colleagues have mentioned.

    • After a shot, we as physicians, specially with patients complaining of post-vaccine symptoms, a D-dimer (test) will go up. We can’t see this clots on CT-scans. These are micro-clots. All these inflammatory patterns that I’m showing you are from micro-clots as well. If we look at this (D-dimer) in the patient, we know that they’re micro-clotting.

    • A patient who recovered from COVID, broad beautiful immunity; they’re lying to you by saying that it’s not equal to a vaccine immunity. Screen before vaccine. There’s a multifold increase risk of adverse reactions if you have COVID and recovered, and then you get a shot, you hyper rev that immune system. You may be screwed, or dead.

    • One cannot find that for which they do not look.

    • They spent billions of dollars advertising a toxin into the human body, “investigational vaccines”. I say to our Federal Agencies: where is the funding for real science?

    • They don’t want you to see what we are seeing.

    • We have no long-term safety data. This is what we need to emphasise to society, and ask the authoritative agencies:

      • What’s the risk for cancer after the shot? We don’t know.
      • What’s the risk for auto-immune disease? We don’t know.
      • What’s the risk for impairing fertility for a life time? We don’t know.
    • So why in the world do we willy-nilly push forward, at the pace and rate that we are going, without knowing these things? Complete anti-science. And a complete attack on us.

    • No more mandatory forcing of employees. How in the world are these hospitals and these employers saying: “You cannot work for me if you cannot sign up to be a subject in an experiment on humanity”. Go back to the 1947 Nuremberg Code. We are absolutely violating this as a nation on the people.

    • Where are the billions to do autopsies? Were are the billions to prove the science? Where are the autopsies? Crickets … they are not there.

    • Dismissal by the collusive media of any adverse events, or death. That’s a problem.

    • What happened to the concept of the “me too” movement? Believe everybody. Believe the story. Why don’t you believe the science? They won’t believe the science; they dismiss the science. What happened to “believe it until you can disprove it”? Gone.

    • Side notes:

      • Post-vaccine innate immunity dysregulation.
      • Increase of other latent viruses.
      • Decrease of immune markers that keep cancer in check.
    • What we’re seeing in the laboratory is that the shots dysregulate your immune response. We have some very important cells that keep cancers in check: The CDA-Killer-T cell. A study out of Germany and the Netherlands that showed a shifted immune profile. At the end, their conclusion was: “We see a concerning pattern of the cells we normally need to fight off these other things”; but the answer was: “we don’t know for how long that shifted pattern lasts”. It’s like (in rugby) having 8 blocker and paralysing 3 or 4 of them. We don’t know if they’re paralysed for the rest of the game, or the rest of their career. And then, what we see from this in the laboratory, is an uptake of herpes family viruses, molluscum, human papiloma virus, all sorts of viruses, mononucleosis, etc, reactivating. I’m a pathologist, and we’re seeing this as an early signal.

    • Guess what else the CDA cell does, and some receptors on the T-cell. They keep cancer in check.

    • I have seen a 10-20 fold increase in uterine cancer in the last 6 months in my laboratory. And I kept dates, year to year. In the last 6 months (this talk was recorded in Sep 2021). When did we start the shots? In January.

    • How much solid tumour cancer increase we’re going to see over the years? Probably a lot. What’s the real answer? We don’t know. And some times this is the most honest answer in medicine: we don’t know. A doctor that tells you he/she knows everything, don’t believe him/her. Find a new doctor.

    • Increase in latent viruses, etc.

  • A report, from Oct 2021, found that the spike protein does not stay in the cytosol (inside the target host cell, outside of the nucleus), but enters the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 to the damage site. The spike protein might impedes adaptive immunity and this has implications for side-effects in full-length spike-based vaccines. [223]

Dr Elwell: The Spike Has Been Engineered

  • Dr Joanne Elwell: [238]
    • The British NHS site does not explain in clear terms that you are being injected with genetic code, the spike protein, that is foreign to the body. It is genetic engineering. The CDC in the US provides more explanation.
    • The NHS says it's a normal vaccine. It is not.
    • Quite often, mice injected with genetic sequences prepared in computers and labs die.
    • The spike protein has been engineered to cause damage.
    • As a scientist, the "vaccines" is supposed to stop the disease.

Vaccine Spike Protein Detected in Dead Person

  • Dr Reiner Fullmich: First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against Covid-19 (January 17, 2022) [343]

    • The suspicion that the spike protein formed in the body as a result of the "vaccination" against Covid-19 could be responsible for the pathologically observed inflammations and lesions of vessels has now been confirmed immuno-histologically for the first time.

    • The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after "vaccination" and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced Myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immuno-histo-chemistry on the tissue sections.

    • The described detection method can be applied to all organ and cell damage in which conspicuous pathological findings are found after "vaccination" against Covid-19. From this follows: For ethical, legal and scientific reasons, all histopathological examinations in connection with damage due to "vaccination" against Covid-19 must be accompanied with this method with immediate effect.

    • Web: Telegram-Kanal: @PathologyConference