Recent Findings
Attorney Todd Callender: On DoD Vax Mandates, Patents on Humans (Apr 24 2022) |
James Corbett: Will Genetically Modified Humans be Patented? (Jul 15 2020) |
- Attorney Todd Callender: On DoD Vax Mandates, Patents on Humans (Apr 24 2022) [740]
- James Corbett: Will Genetically Modified Humans be Patented? (Jul 15 2020) [675]
GMO Humans 2
Recent speech at Supreme Court Ruling 12-398, Modified DNA (C-DNA) is Patentable. [594]
- Modified DNA is patentable, as intellectual property.
- What this means to people who have been "vaccinated" with mRNA gene therapy, they are now classified under law as
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), or "Transhuman", and can be patented.
- This means the population has not only compromised their health, toxic spike proteins in cardiac muscles,
according to peer-reviewed medical journal Circulation [45]
- But, it's compromising the legal stand of men and women, writing them down from Natural Law (Governs Nature) to
Common Law (Governs living man) and Property Law.
- The lack of informed consent of the recipients is a violation of the Nuremberg code, and punishable by law.
- An example: Monsanto (GMO seeds) sued the organic farmers (using natural seeds). Going from Natural Law to
Property Law. They used their Goliath size to force the farmers to pay for their property.
- Pharma (mRNA GMO) transforms living men/women into "transhumans". Goes from Natural & Common law, to Property law.
- Big Pharma and governments are trying to blow their mRNA seeds into humans to cease control of your bodies.
- This is described in Klaus Schwab's book "Fourth Industrial Revolution".
- Humans 2.0 will be hybrids of mRNA and man-machine Graphene oxide interfaces; "things" connected to the
"Internet of Things" (IoT). You lost your Common and Natural Law rights.
- Klaus Schwab says "By 2030 You Will Own Nothing and You'll Be Happy".
- Who owns nothing? Slaves, and property own nothing.
- This manufactured pandemic is a perverse form of pathological slavery disguised as a health crisis.
- My message today is not to the unjabbed, but to those who have been injected. You have a narrow and rapidly closing
window to fight this and seek a remedy, or forever loose autonomy over your body and life.
- Klaus Schwab's books to read for you today are "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", and "Covid-19: The Great Reset".