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Dr Daniel Broudy: The Psychology of Covid-19 Atrocities (Dec 12 2022) |
COVID Measures, Not About Health, but About Control
Israeli Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav and Dr Reiner Füllmich Talk “Global Genocide”. Her message is extremely powerful and pertinent to today's rising medical fascism, under the guise of a pandemic. [128]
The following is a recent discourse of WWII Holocaust survivor, Vera Sharav, raising a warning and establishing a parallel with what is happening right now: [129]
In the 1930s the German people succumbed to a dictatorship. Unless we are prepared to fight for our freedom, it can, and will, happen again. Our survival as free human beings is on the line. Whether we will be free to live our lives and raise our children as we see fit, depends on our willingness to rebel against repression. We must reject public health dictates that abolish our freedom and our rights as human beings.
Lockdowns are a tool of social control. They failed to alter the course of the pandemic. Lockdowns destroyed millions of lives and livelihoods.
Millions were thrown into poverty, but the oligarchs profiteered from the human misery. They always do. American billionaires increased their, already vast, wealth by more than 2 trillion dollars in 2020. During the Holocaust, the corporate elite also profiteered from every aspect of the genocidal operations.
The Nazis used sustained fear to impose and maintain their genocidal regime. A state of fear and anxiety has been sustained by false claims and draconian restrictions to limit our human interactions. The objective is to gain control by destroying societal bonds. Those who object to medical dictates are denounced as “spreaders of disease“. The current repressive, fearful atmosphere has rekindled painful memories.
Forced isolation and mandatory masks are insidious psychological weapons. They demean our dignity as free human beings. Mask mandates are the symbolic equivalent of the “yellow star”.
Propaganda, censorship and big tech fact-checkers control the narrative.
Dissenting voices are demonised and silenced, be them doctors, scientists, even Nobel Prize winners.
These repressive measures foreshadow the imposition of a dictatorship.
The real virus is “Eugenics”. This elitist racist ideology devalues large segments of the population. Eugenics and Public Health closely align in their objectives, and implementation methods. Both legitimise covert objectives of the ruling class, and both use police to enforce their views. Eugenics leads to apartheid, forced sterilisation, euthanasia, and genocide.
Dr Zev Zelenko cured President Trump’s COVID disease. He exposes the “Global Genocidal Event”. [30]
Dr David Martin exposes the names of corporations and nations behind the “scamdemic”: World Economic Forum (WEP), UN, IMF, BlackRock, CERN, Carlyle Group, MIT, UNC Chapel Hill, John Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Imperial College, IHME, AXA, Google, Facebook, Gates Foundation, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, Merck, Gilead Sciences, etc. [31]
The Australian government, mainstream media, and hospital officials have been bribed by Big Pharma. [91]
Queensland’s Courier Mail (Nov 28, 2021) reports that employees from the state’s largest hospital and health services failed to declare $670,000 in gifts and benefits from Big Pharma. This is a fascist dictatorship. Democracy does not exist in Australia any more. [114]
The WHO, the NIH and the FDA are corrupt organisations receiving payoffs from Big Pharma.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr talks to Dr Reiner Füllmich, and exposes Fauci’s Agenda, crimes on humanity. [37]
PlanetLockdown.com includes a collection of 30+ full video interviews, with the statements of medical doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, exposing the fraud of the lockdowns. [33]
Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò exposes the global plan for a “New World Order”. They are using the false pretext of a “pandemic” to impose a global dictatorship (vaccination and green pass). [34, 207]
Dr Zelenko states, “this is the worst crime in the history of humanity. The FDA had an internal presentation, in Oct 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, and on slide 16 of their presentation, they showed all the side-effects of these injections. Looking at the VAERS database of adverse effects reported, there is a 100% correlation of what the American public has experienced, and what the FDA presented internally to its own scientists. This is premeditated first-degree murder and genocide, of, at least, 700,000 Americans.” [36]
Dr Guido Hofmann: “They are introducing a global dictatorship. This has nothing to do with a virus. People should get on the streets and demand their rights and their constitutions.” [41]
Dr Pascal Sacré explains the possible unjustified consequences of decisions made on the basis of the false PCR tests: [117]
- Confinement/quarantine
Unprecedented freedom-destroying measures
Hospital and health centre upheavals
Serious diagnoses may be wrongly given to terrorised people who are actually in good health.
Social distancing with heavy consequences on human relations
Major economic and social impact, the real scope of which is currently unknown
Suspension of all social activities (schools, restaurants, leisure activities)
Whole population tracking and policing projects
Door-to-door vaccination of aboriginal people in the Pilbara was announced. This is police enforcing jabs and not doctors or nurses. This is genocide. [82]
A paper in Nature shows the complex web of patents, sub-licenses, and lawsuits around the mRNA-based vaccine developers, including Pfizer, BioNTech, Allele Biotechnology, University of Pennsylvania, Moderna, NIH, Arbutus, University of British Columbia, Acuitas, CureVac, Tesla, and Arcturus Therapeutics. [89] The pharmaceutical industry is big, representing billions of money in profits for its participants. No wonder why there is rampant corruption in this industry, including government officials, and medical doctors in many countries taking payouts from the corporate elites.
In Australia, for example, the regulatory body TGA is totally funded by Big Pharma, the institutions it is supposed to regulate. Governments, regulatory bodies, academics (giving advice to government, and conducting research at universities), media groups, new technologies, sharitable foundations, international bodies (WHO, FDA) are corrupt and complicit. Their crimes: fraud, lies, kickbacks, falsifying safety, poor manufacturing, misclassifying. Murdoch (media) and Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum) are Nazi descendants. Schwab received support from the Club of Rome (Illuminati). Schwab is connected to Greg Hunt (Australia Health Minister), to Andrew Forrest (partnerships with China), to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. [91]
Historical court case with Pfizer: Abdullahi versus Pfizer, Inc. In 1996 Pfizer entered Nigeria illegally (by bribing local officials and forging false approval documents) to promote an experimental drug called Trovafloxacin (“Trovan”) during an epidemic of menigococcal meningitis. Of 100 children who received the drug, 11 died and others became permanently injured (paralysis, deafness, blindness, liver damage). The families of the Nigerian victims sued in the US. In January 2009 Pfizer settled for $75 million. [90]
The politicians are enacting a demonic supra-national agenda coming from the billionaires.
“The Great Reset”, from Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum [98, 101].
“Agenda 21” [99, 166], a project of the United Nations for “sustainable development”, seeks to transfer human and financial resources, to put an end with private land ownership, social engineering, sterilisation, depopulation, (“New Word Order”, One-World government) and to pay taxes for services we never get. “Environmentalism” becomes the new world’s religion.
these are the blueprints for seeking to reduce the world’s population (Eugenics) and slave the people. The project include the use of digital identities, vaccine passports, channeling world’s resources to the elite, eliminating trade barriers, including changing environment-related regulations or standards, safety and health standards, and national laws.
Bill Gates, the super-rich nerd, co-founder of Microsoft, is a well-known eugenist. Followers of the “Eugenics” ideology believe that the world is over-populated by “useless eaters”, and that the world’s population must be reduced (by wars and other means, such as “vaccines”). Gates admits this unashamely in one TedTalk. [100]
Checkout the grants of the Bill & Melinda Foundation given to “vaccine” research. Through this you can see how “philantropy” channels money to control institutions. Amongst the beneficiaries: WHO, CDC, UNICEF, United Nations, BioNTech, Novavax, University of Oxford, John Hopkins University, and numerous other universities. You can easily see Gates’ fingerprints amongst the profiteers of the COVID-19 pandemic. [101]
Eugenics found a virulent expression in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. The Nazis developed racial health policies that began the mass sterilisation of “genetically diseased” persons and ended with the near annihilation of European Jewry. Nazi doctors were involved in euthanasia and medical experiments. [103] At the end, many Nazis encountered justice through the “Nuremberg Code”, and were executed. This should serve as a warning to Western elites enforcing the COVID mandate. [104, 105]
Uruguayan doctors request information, and the Health Ministry responds by confessing the Sars-CoV2 virus has never been cultivated, isolated, or purified. [113]
Dr Thomas Jenges (Chemnitz main hospital, Saxony, Germany): “What is happening right now, I can honestly summarise it, as a doctor, as a vaccinator, as someone who has treated people with ear, nose, and throat infections his whole life. I can only repeat what is happening here has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus. It is, worldwide, the introduction of a world-wide dictatorship – unfortunately, it has to be said. In the last month, I have spent 1,500 hours looking at the situation, because I knew that it had nothing to do with anything medical. I couldn’t understand what was going on – there are such interconnected aims, and last week, in Speyer, I asked. I spoke before 1000 people – although I’ve never spoken in front of people before – never dared to, never had the courage to. But it’s got to the point where we … it’s just so incomprehensible what’s happening … and they’re all dancing to the same tune with each other, and if … and whoever still can’t believe it, that we have a dictatorship … there’s no other way to say it … of course it is being disguised, of course it’s happening gradually … but that people have to … because of completely disproportionate measures … literally – go onto the streets to protest for the reinstatement of their basic rights. Our forefathers wrote these exact rights into our basic laws. And what they’re now doing there … Many people won’t notice it – and they’ll ask, ‘What’s all the fuss about?’ Well, I can only say: courage, anger, and a great heart … that’s what unifies us. And all this has nothing – absolutely nothing to do with a virus.” [136]
German news reported on Nov 2, 2021, that Dr Jenges fell from the roof of the hospital to his death. [137]
Dr James Lyons-Weiler: (Dev 3, 2021) [138]
There is a definite disconnect between science and public health policy. The companies have taken control of the regulatory agencies. They have also captured about 50% of Congress, or worse. We are in Deep Trouble. Anthony Fauci is saying “I am the science”. They are not following science.
For COVID, the prevalence of the disease is low. Taking the initiative to boost your immune system and protect it, is a good thing. If everyone gets the vaccine, they all are exposed to unsafe proteins by 100%. That is scandalous to vaccinologists. Australia’s and Austria’s COVID mandate means that not everyone is going to tolerate those vaccines (some people are allergic to those epitopes and other components in the vaccines). Literally, they have to BACK OFF! Their over-arching assumption that “one cookie-cutter fits all” is NO.
The entire premise that everyone gets the vaccine is flawed. Unless you have a vaccine that is 100% effective. If you vaccinate with a leaky vaccine, it is ABSOLUTELY NO. The virus will escape the vaccine in respiratory illnesses. It is a foregone conclusion. This is madness.
Science requires skepticism. If you say “follow the science”, and you are disallowing skepticism, you are not following science. It is the most ironic mantra.
CDC’s mandate of vaccines for children is absolutely wrong. It is ALL RISK and NO BENEFIT.
45 CFR 46 “Regulations for the protection of Human Subjects” [140]
There is a code of ethics in biomedical research. You cannot coerce anyone to human research studies. The vaccines are still experimental.
FDA money comes from processing fees from the pharmaceutical companies.
CDC is allegedly a no-for-profit organisation, that exists within the US government. It takes donations from companies that it is suppose to be regulating.
Read Robert F Kennedy Jr “The Real Anthony Fauci” [132] to see the level of corruption of these organisations.
Max Igan: (Dec 4, 2021) [164]
“What is happening in Australia is about depopulation. The psychological trauma of the lockdowns. The jab is killing thousands of people. Google searches for funeral houses are listed as ‘breakout’, meaning, over 5000%. It is a depopulation event. [183]
The segregation of states. The removal of basic human rights. It’s about giving up your bodily autonomy, giving up your soul. The scamdemic is Satanic ritual abuse. The whole thing is a ritual: the masking, the isolation, the distancing.
People are giving up control of their own body, their spiritual temple. How much of their soul have they got left?
They give the jab to 5-7 year-olds who cannot make a choice for themselves. If their parents allow this to happen, how much of their soul have they got left?
Need to understand what these decisions are leading to … the level of evil we are dealing with here. The damage this jab is doing to people. Incredible ways they are killing people.
You don’t have to do what you’re told. This is the ‘matrix’ we are living in. The perception of authority is just an idea. If people can step into their moral compass, we can heal the world in a single day. People are scared on themselves, to admit they have worth, they have value.
Throw yourself into the wind, because when you do, you can ride it.
We are against a global criminal gang managing a people farm.
Riccardo Bosi (Dec 4, 2021) [164]
Intention: purpose, method, end state;
We take a very long view: for about a century; will be achieved in 4 generations.
Our purpose: save Australia.
The end state: (what we aim for) a moral, sovereign, self-reliant Western democracy, economically powerful, militarily intimidating, politically free, culturally vibrant, and socially cohesive.
The method: create a moral political party, that empowers Australians to achieve their individual potential, so that collectively, they can all participate in the reformation of Australia.
We have to rebuild our nation, because every institution into which we have placed our trust and money, and our authority, is utterly corrupted, to its core. Start with the individual, build it to the family, to the community, to the region, and finally, to Australia.
This is a genuine movement to save the country, because the elites utterly destroy us.
The template is to restore sovereignty to the people.
General Flynn: [168]
“One world government is a bad idea, because it gives no options. Evil is there, and is a reality. Evil is forever. We are watching it unfold every single day. The common enemy, the “Luciferians”, right now are Klaus Schwab and the elite. They are launching an assault on every human right. They want to take over every country.”
“There is a need for all humans to rise together against this tyranny. We are a nation built upon Judeo-Christian values. We should adhere to these principles and values. Those freedoms are at risk. We are winning on the moral side, on the legal side, we are winning political battles at federal and state levels.”
Japanese bloggers from around the world are reporting the tyrannical living conditions:
In Peru, without vaccine, you cannot withdraw money from the bank.
In Pakistan, without the vaccine passport, you cannot fill in petrol for your car.
In Canada, without the vaccine passport, you cannot enter certain supermarkets.
In Queensland, Australia, after Dec 15th 2021, the unvaccinated are not able to enter public spaces such as restaurants, cafes, stadiums, theme parks, festivals, convention centres, showgrounds, galleries, museums, libraries. But they have access to hospitals (as patients only), grocery stores, supermarkets. [206]
AJ Roberts, UK ex-military, adds: [238]
The patents are owned by the Rothschilds in 2013. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, BlackRock, Vanguard, own the world banks, all of them. They are multi-trillionaires, and call all of the shots. Together with the Clintons, Bill Gates, they control the pharmaceutical companies.
They have shares owned by people in governments. Gladys, the NSW ex-premier was offered 68 million dollars by AstraZeneca. She crushed the economy in NSW and pushed all the policies and lockdowns. In Australia you cannot go to work unless you are vaccinated.
Italy brought in the vax passports.
In Cyprus, you need to get vaccinated to get fuel.
Israel started to market the 4th jab, because the 3rd jab no longer counts as "vaccinated". So you just have to queue up, and queue up. So, restrictions are not better than if you remained "unvaccinated".