Who Controls the World
- The Apostle Paul warned Christians that ...
Ephesians 6:12
“we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh,
but against the governments, against the authorities,
against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.”
- When Jesus was tempted by the Devil, this passage reveals who really controls the world:
Matthew 4:8, 9
“Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain
and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
And he said to him: ‘All these things I will give you
if you fall down and do an act of worship to me’.
Then Jesus said to him: ‘Go away, Satan! For it is written:
Deuteronomy 6:13
‘It is יהוה your God you must worship,
and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.‘”
- Jesus explained that the ruler of this world is the Devil:
John 14:30
“I will not speak with you much more,
for the ruler of the world is coming,
and he has no hold on me.”
- The Apostle John explains:
1 John 5:19
“We know we originate with God,
but the whole world is lying
in the power of the wicked one.”
- The Bible reveals the end awaiting the wicked elites:
Revelation 19: 11-21
“all the birds that fly in midheaven …
gathered together to the great evening meal of God, …
to eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of military commanders
and the flesh of strong men and the flesh of horses
and of those seated on them …”
People have to understand that the world's governments are controlled by Satanic criminal gangs. (Watch the documentary series "Fall of the Cabal")
Professor Noam Chomsky in his book "Year 501 - The Conquest Continues", said "the existence of all countries is illegitimate, because they were built upon the destruction and removal of their original inhabitants."
NOTE: The Tetragrammaton (the four Hebrew letters) יהוה, YHWH, refers to the Name of God, which is usually transliterated in English as "Jehovah", or "Yahweh".